The Basket Weavers' Workmate
Pattern Compliments Of:
Suzanne Moore's NC Basket Works
130 Main St. • Post Office Box 744
Vass, NC 28394-0744
910-245-3049 • 800-338-4972
Fax: 910-245-3243
Email: suzanne@ncbasketworks.com
Website: www.ncbasketworks.com
Designed By: Barbara Gilbert
Distributed Exclusively By: Suzanne Moore's NC Basket Works, Inc.
This is the basket you need at your finger tips! It will hold your tools and etc. for comfortable, organized basket weaving. For your Gardening Friends, it to, will hold and organize their tools for light gardening...Last but not least, there isn't a better basket for your gourmet friends, then this one; with fruit and flowers. This is a GREAT, NEW AND DIFFERENT BASKET!!
Weavers Workmate Base/Handle Pkg.
#2 Round - twining
3/16" Flat Oval (natural)- weavers & lashing
3/16" Flat Oval dyed - weavers
3/4" Flat Flat dyed - weaver
5/8" Flat Flat - spokes
1/2" Flat Oval - rim
Seagrass - rim filler
Workmate Base Diagram
From 5/8" FF cut 40 spokes 7" long. 12 of these will be tapered. (See diagram)
Insert "Key" spokes A B C D E F.
Insert 9 spokes between A and B equally spaced.
Insert 4 spokes between B and C, 3 of which are tapered.(see diagram)
Insert 4 spokes between C and D, 3 of which are tapered.
Insert 9 spokes between D and E equally spaced.
Insert 4 spokes between E and F, 3 of which are tapered.
Insert 4 spokes between F and A, 3 of which are tapered.
Check the diagram against the layout of your basket
Weave 4 rows of weave and chase with #2 R, keeping spokes flat. It is important your first row of 3/16" FO natural is over your "Key" spokes C and F. This will allow the 3/4" FF dyed to go over your end spokes C and F. Do not upset your spokes, rather let them come up with the curve of the basket. You might prefer to weave this basket with the basket on its side to have some pressure on it; to come up with the uprights.
You will weave 6 rows of 3/16" FO natural.
2 rows 3/16" FO dyed.
1 row 3/4" FF dyed.
2 rows 3/16" FO dyed.
2 rows 3/16" FO natural.
1 row 7mm FF rim row.
Pack your weaving, even up your basket, your rim should finish below the angle of the uprights, so when you view the finished basket you can see the angle of the uprights. Cut and tuck. You will rim with 1/2" FO inside and outside, using seagrass for filler. Lash with 3/16" FO.
NOTE: Both rims should overlap about 4" keeping the overlap between the wooden uprights. Do not end your overlap in front of the wooden uprights.
See directions for handle assembly: steps 6 and step 7 for tacking rim to the wooden uprights.
All materials to make this basket are available at NC Basket Works.