The Snow Lady
Pattern Compliments Of:
Suzanne Moore's NC Basket Works
130 Main St. • Post Office Box 744
Vass, NC 28394-0744
910-245-3049 • 800-338-4972
Fax: 910-245-3243
Email: suzanne@ncbasketworks.com
Website: www.ncbasketworks.com
Base 5 3/4" x 5" Tall x 6" top diameter
Two versions of this simple round basket follow after the general directions
Materials |
1/2" Flat Flat - spokes
1/2" Flat Oval - rims
#1 Round - twining
3/16" Flat Oval - lashing
7mm Flat Flat - weavers
Seagrass - rim f iller
6" Square Ash O/N handle - tall
Snow Lady Basket Buckle ®
"Fun Fur" (version II) available @ Michael's or Wal-Mart (I used light purple) |
General Directions:
From 1/2" FF cut 8 spokes each 22" long. Soak briefly. On the wrong side mark the center of each spoke and 1 3/4" on each side of the center mark. Layout the 8 spokes pinwheel style, matching up the center marks. Start twining with #1R on your 1 3/4" marks. Continue to twine until your base measures 5 3/4" across. End off your #1R, and upset the spokes.
Weave 17 rows of start and stop with 7mm FF. Remember - your top diameter is 6". Pack well. Cut and tuck spokes. Insert your handle, rim with 1/2" FO, seagrass between the rims, and double lash with 3/16" FO.
Version I - Basket on Left
Follow general direcitons, then stain completed basket and tie on the Snow Lady Basket Buckle ® using red and white yarn. Fill with greenery.
Version II - Basket on Right
Follow the general directions but after weaving 4 rows of 7mm FF, start weaving with the "Fun Fur" along with your 7mm FF weaver. I found it much easier to work with one very, very long piece of "Fun Fur" so that I did not have to cut it on every row. As you weave, bring the "Fun Fur" under the weaver, bringing it to the inside of the basket, and then come back out going up over the weaver and cross over in front of the spoke. Continue around the basket. When you get back to your starting point overlap and cut your 7mm FF weaver as usual, but DO NOT CUT THE "FUN FUR". Simply go behind two spokes with the "Fun Fur". Continue start and stop weaving with 7mm FF and the "Fun Fur" for a total of 11 rows. Weave 2 rows of start and stop with the 7mm FF only (this will make a total of 17 rows). Pack well, cut, tuck and rim as usual. Attach the Snow Lady Basket Buckle ® with the red yarn.
Materials to make this basket are available at NC Basket Works unless otherwise noted.