New England Wood Bottom Basket
Pattern Compliments Of:
Suzanne Moore's NC Basket Works
130 Main St. • Post Office Box 744
Vass, NC 28394-0744
910-245-3049 • 800-338-4972
Fax: 910-245-3243
Email: suzanne@ncbasketworks.com
Website: www.ncbasketworks.com
Basket Size: Height: 8" Top Diameter: 12" Top Circumference: 38 1/2" - 39"
Basket designed and pattern written by Suzanne Moore
This basket is intended for Intermediate/Advanced weavers
Materials |
6 1/2" Oak Base
12" Round Swing w/Inside/Outside Ears
7/8" Flat Flat - spokes
1/4" Flat Flat - weavers
3/16" Flat Flat - weavers
3/8" Flat Flat - rim row & lasher
1/2" Half Round - rims
I pre-stained my base and handle with Maple Weaver's Stain
A complete Kit is also available Kit
From 7/8" FF cut 28 spokes each 13" long. Taper each spoke for about 3" to a width of 1/2" at one end.
Insert all 28 spokes into the groove of the base, smooth side down, spacing them evenly around the base.
Taper the ends for a few inches of two 3/16" FF weavers. Insert them into the groove of the base and weave and chase for approximately 10 - 11 rows, keeping the spokes Flat. Carefully bend up the spokes by gently pulling on the weavers. DO NOT CREASE THE SPOKES. After the spokes begin to stand up, switch to 1/4" FF and continue to weave and chase, checking the shape often.
When your weaving is 3" tall, the circumference should be approximately 37". Continue to weave and chase until the basket is 7 1/2" tall. At this point, the circumference will be about 39".
As you near the top of the basket (7 1/2" tall), check the distance between the spokes. They must be at least 3/8" apart to accommodate the 3/8" FF lasher. If not, trim a little off each side of the spokes.
Pack the weaving well and end both weavers by tapering them. Weave on row 3/8" FF (rim row) making any necessary adjustments in the weaving pattern. Cut and tuck the spokes. Insert the handle. Rims are 1/2" Half Round which I pre-formed on a 12" hoop. Lash with 3/8" FF. In keeping with the traditon of antique baskets, I chose not to put in a rim filler, but the choice is yours.
Stain with you favorite Weaver's Stain.
All materials to make this basket are available at NC Basket Works.
The idea and inspiration for this basket is the result of a conversation with Martha Wetherbee about Ben Higgins of Chesterfield, Massachusetts, and his solid bottom baskets. Also, from a basket featured in "The Baskets of Rural America" by Teleki, page 134. |