Cut 30 spokes each 8" long from 1/2" FF. Soak briefly. With the smooth side down, insert all spokes evenly around the base (the holes in the base will be up). Because the spokes will be bent up almost immediately, I glued in my spokes. Dry fit all spokes then remove one at a time and glue it in. If the groove in your base is too narrow to insert the spokes, run sandpaper around the groove several times, and/or sand down the ends of each spoke (you want a tight fit).
Dampen the spokes and weave FLAT 2 rows of 11/64" FO. Upset the spokes and weave 1 more row of 11/64" FO. Weave straight up 5 rows of 7mm FF start and stop. Now is a good time to use the 10" hoop as a shaping guide. Position the hoop inside the spokes approximately 4" up from the base (refer to photo)

Keeping the hoop in place, weave 7 more rows of 7mm FF (for a total of 12 rows). Remove the hoop as it does not become part of the basket. The basket top should measure 10" in diameter.
Pack well making sure the basket height is the same all around the basket so the lid will sit level. Cut and tuck spokes. Rim with 1/2" FO inside and outside, seagrass between the rims and single lash with 7mm FF.
Important: Before staining your basket, glue in the dowels using a wood glue. Tap lightly to be sure they have bottomed out. Insert the tall dowel with finial in the middle hole. This will be your "handle" by which to pick up the sewing basket. If a small amount of glue appears, wipe off with a damp cloth. Let dry before staining.
All materials to make this basket are available at NC Basket Works.